Grateful to Encourage

My husband and I moved south!!! After years of planning and praying, we left the DC metro area for coastal North Carolina. And while our new area is changing into something more cosmopolitan, it is still The South.

The South is traditionally known for Southern hospitality. As a newbie I don’t know all that the expression entails, but I have previously observed unusual affection, often demonstrated with terms of endearment like sweetheart and honey, from complete strangers. I find it genuine and heartwarming. During our first days here however, I am also experiencing an absence of warmth. From the frustrated bank teller working us through a change of address and check order, to the sullen barista at a healthfoods café, to the distant cashier at the upscale grocery store on the day before Thanksgiving, folks don’t seem to be their cheerful selves. Retail is a tough job and masks do not help (see previous post) but something is amiss.

We’ve heard it once, we’ve heard it 100 times, these are unprecedented days. The months will soon be a year of rumors of disease and daily numbers reports. Fatigue from the virus and its fallout are palpable. When the lockdown began last spring, I remember thinking ‘at least the weather is getting warmer and we can be outside, and it isn’t over the major holidays.’ Now winter approaches and the holidays are here. This is long and this is hard.

Over Thanksgiving some brothers in the faith brought encouragement. In a Thanksgiving email, Joe Rogers wrote us: “(we) love people, especially family … Period. Politics, misunderstandings, harsh words, differences of opinion, rejections, exclusion from gatherings- these things can and do hurt … stay faithful. Stay healthy. Be kinder than necessary.” Around Thanksgiving kitchen preparations, “Pater,” one of the family grands, almost admonished us regarding God’s great love for people. Pater repeatedly declared God’s endless, loving efforts to reach every soul, as he occasionally chopped cilantro and I quartered parsnips!

I am grateful for these reminders. Our world is hurting and as followers of Christ we have the opportunity to demonstrate God’s patience and kindness to brighten the lives of others around us.

Let the peace of heart that comes from Christ be always present in your hearts and lives, for this is your responsibility and privilege as members of his body. And always be thankful. Colossians 3:15 (The Living Bible)

This weekend we shopped small business in a new hometown.