A salon pedicure is a luxury I rarely allow myself. I love the look of bright polish and well-tended toes but my frugality keeps me from splurging. My go-to option is filing and painting on my own for a satisfactory appearance. But there is an alternative.
Recently while waiting for a friend at Starbucks, a young man asked if he could share my table since the small shop was crowded. Eventually we broke into conversation. He was in law school in DC but lived in the local neighborhood. He was studying and explained the kind of policy that would be on his exam. Just before my friend arrived, I jotted down the name of a new church in the area and invited him to check it out since it was part of his community.
Another time I texted someone about playing a particular song on her guitar. It turned out that I had the wrong number. The person who got the text replied that it was a wrong number but commented that they also played the guitar . . . in California! I answered that text by suggesting they look up that song, “In Christ Alone,” because it is such a beautiful and meaningful piece.
In both cases, I stepped out of the usual small talk to turn the dialog to something spiritual. In Isaiah it says, “How beautiful are the FEET of those who bring good news … who proclaim salvation.” (Isaiah 52:7) The Apostle Paul quotes those Isaiah words as he calls for Christians to share the Gospel**, the Good News. (Romans 10:15) So there it is: a free pedicure; unattractive, worn feet turned beautiful as they carry the Gospel message!
And while I took advantage of those two situations, I am just as likely to fumble a spiritual opportunity. Talking to a co-worker about aging and death, I squandered an easy occasion to state my clear understanding of heaven. Sharing the Gospel is important and it’s not optional.
Beautiful feet are the promised reward of spreading the Good News. If you’re planning a winter get-away to someplace tropical, get pretty feet and tuck the Gospel in your carry-on!
** Gospel means good news. The Good News is defined in 1 Corinthians 15:3-4. “Christ died for our sins just as the Scriptures said. He was buried, and he was raised from the dead on the third day.”
I love your blog, please keep it coming. I have also forwarded them to friends.