Two years ago this month, the pandemic became real to me. Without forewarning, the school district where I was teaching, closed its doors on Friday the 13th of March 2020! It took weeks to implement an on-line instructional plan and train us to teach virtually. Our nation then experienced a gradual shut-down of most places: stores and other businesses, restaurants, schools, offices, and even medical facilities and houses of worship. Government orders prohibited assembling. Hindsight is 20/20 and at the time, scientists, medical experts, and politicians had no idea how to handle a new and different virus.
On a boat ride in late summer of 2019, I couldn’t foresee the coming changes in the school year ahead and in our whole way of life!
The church, too, struggled to respond. In most cases, local and state mandates regulated, mostly banning, in-person gatherings. Later, a Presidential directive declared religious groups as “essential,” thereby allowing some church ministry. Church leaders quickly rallied calling for Christian courage and I heard more than one pastor reference the sacrificial and heroic courage of 3rd century Christians during a deadly pandemic in Rome. Eventually however, a trending pandemic mindset took over and churches followed suit. My own church cancelled in-person services prior to local mandates to do so and months later reopened with stricter protocols than were required. A year into the pandemic, I watched a nationally known minister state that his congregation would not gather in-person due to continuing local COVID cases. “We wouldn’t want anyone to die,” he explained. What a shocking remark as a Christian who lives not for this temporary life on earth, but for the reality of eternity in glory, like Paul wrote of in Philippians 1:23! Of course, Christians do not recklessly endanger their lives, but we have much to joyfully anticipate, not fear, in eternal life.
In 2020, the church strained under a myriad of pressures, but it is founded on Scripture, which commands us to gather together as Christ followers (Hebrews 10:25). In fact, the statement takes an unusual negative position: “Let us not neglect meeting together, as is the habit of some.” According to Christian author and respected preacher Timothy Keller, this ‘gather’ term entails far more than attendance. It suggests deep connection in community, something built only through personal interaction.
If law and policy collide with Biblical principles, how do Christians respond? That is a huge question that a blog post can’t tackle but I will point you to Scripture. The Bible tells us that God ordains government for the good of society (Romans 13:1-2). It also tells us that God’s law supersedes man’s laws. Christians obey God, over man, when they conflict (Acts 5:29).
Yes, hindsight is 20/20. More is known now about the virus, its transmission, and treatments but a lot remains unknown. And all of it remains polarized. I wonder if hindsight is not as clear as we would hope, in this case. Will we ever know all the facts of the virus and motives of resultant policies? I think not. I end with these words that I think explain our lack of clarity: “For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know, just as I also am known” (1 Corinthians 13:12). Answers await us in eternity.
My heart is heavy for the people of Ukraine. Although the good hearts of safe and free people always abhor the unprovoked aggression of a despot, the current assault especially touches me, as a person of Ukrainian descent. My grandparents came to America from Ukraine as young adults. I know little of Ukrainian culture, but born a Kucharsky, its plight is personal.
A few things around remind me of my Slavic heritage.
There are many Christians in Ukraine who are clinging to the promise of Psalm 145:18: “The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.”
Not too long ago, I saw a live dramatized recitation of “Revelation” performed by Marquis Laughlin. From memory, Laughlin recited the entire Biblical book called Revelation, word for word. He used no props that I recall, but his inflections and voices, sound effects, physical motions and posturing presented a powerful rendition of God’s Word and only God’s Word! The theatrical performance of “Revelation” lasted about two hours, in two acts, but it was spellbinding throughout!
Marquis Laughlin delivers a theatrical rendition of Revelation. Learn more at
As part of the program, Laughlin shared some of his story and how he got into dramatic recitations of the Bible. Early in his life and career, Laughlin wanted to be an actor. He went to California to pursue an acting career. While in California, a faith in Jesus Christ was born in his life. He began to grow and mature in his new Christian faith. He wondered how his beliefs would impact his acting career. Eventually, Laughlin concluded “Scripture was the best script” and he began his work in theatrical performances of the Bible. His ministry, for over two decades now, is “Acts of the Word.”
Marquis Laughlin’s story illustrates the transformative power of the Gospel. Among other things, for him, it meant a shift in his career plans. As one deepens in true Christian faith, beliefs will permeate all aspects of one’s life. Social choices, finances, lifestyle, education, health issues and more are surrendered to God. With Laughlin’s career redirection, it could wrongly be assumed that all Christians must go into some kind of ministry work. This is not at all what I believe God requires. Instead, our faith infuses whatever career God leads us to! That is why there are great Christian chefs, electricians, scientists, artists, medical personnel, you name it! As my father once wrote in a pamphlet on careers, “Every human activity provides a way for your light to shine.”*
A few years ago, I had my Bible rebound. The result was beautiful; a treasure preserved.
“Scripture is the best script” reiterates the theme and place where I always like to land in “A Writer’s Daughter.” The Bible is the most useful textbook, manual, or script ever written. Read the script, study the textbook whenever you can, for every reason. I have added a new tab to my blog: “How to Read the Bible,” for those of you who may need direction with Bible reading.
*Kucharsky, David E. (1995) Where in the World Are You Going? [pamphlet]. Christian Publications, Camp Hill, Pennsylvania.
A while ago, a friend sent our family an article of my dad’s that he had come across. It is interesting for me to see glimpses into my father’s writing; I did not read a lot of what he wrote at the time and much of his work was on the editing and publication side.
The scan of my dad’s article doesn’t photograph well, but we appreciate the thoughtfulness of the one who sent it. My niece recently came upon some of my dad’s work in her graduate research. It delights us to discover this legacy!
The piece was on the topic of cynicism and was written in 1975 for a Christian magazine**. Cynicism is a timeless subject; my father noted that cynicism “was everywhere these days.” His examples of cynical responses included politicians dodging difficult issues, dismay over declining product quality, and sports teams like the Washington Capitals always having losing seasons – it was decades before the Caps won the Stanley Cup!
Dad’s article traced the origins of cynicism to ancient Greece, where a group called Cynics, founded by Diogenes, sought virtue and a life close to nature. But one member acted rather cynically as we would understand the term, going “about the streets with a lantern in broad daylight, looking for an honest person.” That search is eerily applicable today!
Cynicism has several close cousins: sarcasm, skepticism, apathy, despair, and negativity, to name a few. It can be comic or bitter. The full title of my father’s article was “The Sport of Cynicism: Is it a game Christians should play?” His advice was to not allow “a sense of caution [to] deteriorate into a sneering manner.” To do so, he said, was an evil influence.
As we begin this new year of 2022, one could feel very pessimistic. The on-going pandemic and the continued division over its management are only the tip of the troubles we face. As believers in God and in His sovereign plan for us, we should not feel hopeless. My father’s article suggested two responses preferable to cynicism. The first was gratitude. I couldn’t agree more. Genuine thankfulness prevents complaints and discontentment. The second was patience; patience with difficult people and patience in continuing adversity. The Lord gives these two perspectives to those who pray and seek Him, submitting themselves to His work in their lives.
And in a conclusion that should be completely familiar to readers of “A Writer’s Daughter,” my dad ended his piece quoting Scripture: “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom.” (Colossians 3:16) As God’s wise Word fills our minds and hearts, cynicism and fear cannot take hold.
I am thankful for my heritage.
**We looked into various periodicals that we thought dad’s piece might have been published in, but we were unable to determine that.
Friends of ours, Darrell and Cindy*, own a rental property. It’s not hobby real estate; the income it generates represents an important component of their finances. Keeping the unit rented with reliable tenants is a priority. During one rental turnover, Darrell and Cindy were interviewing interested renters. There were several good prospects including some newlyweds who were acquaintances of the previous renters.
The young couple toured the unit and liked it but felt it was beyond their budget. They told Darrell and Cindy that they were expecting a baby and wanted to get a place on their own, but their income was limited. They also shared that their baby was diagnosed with a medical condition, likely resulting in additional expenses. Doctors were not optimistic.
Darrell and Cindy looked at other good applicants for the rental, but the growing little family stayed on their minds. They decided to pray about it and consider how a discounted rent would impact their income. Darrell admitted that turning the couple away seemed like telling Mary and Joseph there was no room in the inn! They came back to the couple and asked what rent amount would work for them. An agreement was reached, and they signed a lease. What a sweet miracle for the young couple in an exciting but uncertain time.
Darrell and Cindy prepped the unit and finalized the paperwork. Darrell spoke to the previous renters about returning their deposit. They were a bit surprised to find out about the money, since even as a budget-conscious couple, they had not realized the deposit was still due them. Aware of the situation of the new renters, they told Darrell to keep their security deposit and apply it as the new security deposit! Another unexpected little miracle! The new couple moved in, and their baby boy was born. He is healthy and growing with no immediate health issues, such a great miracle for his young parents.
Darrell and Cindy demonstrate how Christ followers live close to truths of the Bible. Being sensitive to known needs around us and meeting them in practical ways within our capacity is what Jesus told us to do (in many passages such as Luke 3:11). And as Darrell and Cindy would tell you, the blessing is all yours.
This Nativity is on display at the Bible Museum in Washington, DC.
At Christmastime, we see the stable scene creches and sing of the lowly manger birth. On the night of Jesus’ birth, no rooms were available in Bethlehem, forcing Mary and Joseph to lodge outside. Later in His ministry Jesus charged, “you have no room for my word” (John 8:37). It is worth asking: have you left Jesus out in the cold, or do you make room for Him in your heart and daily life? The best miracle is that He is at the door, knocking and asking to come in (Revelation 3:20).
*names are changed to maintain anonymity
One Christmas, Cindy gave me this book, a found treasure, if you know what I mean. She didn’t know that I had long admired the creche collection at The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Although I visited New York city many times at Christmas, I never made it to the Nativity tree exhibit.
In Part 1 of this series (below), I described how the book How Not to Look Old, by Charla Krupp, presents make-up, hair and fashion styles that help avoid the ‘old lady’ look, as she calls it. Krupp gathers tips and information, including specific products, from experts in these areas. Not too long ago, I referred to the book prior to shopping for some cosmetics.
The chapter on foundation suggested avoiding chalky products with a matte finish, instead opting for a powder with a silky finish. Am I losing you here? Krupp explains, “There’s a new generation of powders that are feathery light and completely translucent and that leave you with a luminous sheen. Look for powders that are light-reflecting or light-diffusing to obscure fine lines or imperfections.” Many of the recommended products are ‘transparent’ and include a ‘luminizer’ – “a light reflector that adds luminosity.” I read and reread these explanations and then read and reread the cosmetic counter labels, almost for naught! What does it all mean?
Well, I also read and reread the Bible. Just as I was brushing up on make-up tips, I came across the topic of light in God’s Word. Here’s what God said in my New Testament reading: “You are the light of the world. Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5: 14 and 16). Followed immediately were these of God’s Words in the Old Testament: “For with you is the fountain of life; in your light, we see light.” (Psalm 36:9) A day later I read, “He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.” (Psalm 37:6)
How God reaches into my everyday life situations with His Living Word never ceases to amaze me! It is probably a thrill that cannot be communicated second-hand. To understand, you must experience it for yourself. Start somewhere; open your Bible (or the app). Then His Words will illuminate your world in ways beyond expectation.
Krupp, Charla. How Not to Look Old. Hachette Book Group, 2008. pp 64, 67.
I recommend this Bible app. It is sometimes also named You Version.
Part 1
How Not to Look Old is the title of one of the stacked books in my blog’s new feature photo. I updated my original featured photo of journals and calendars, to a random variety of colorful books. I took the picture around the time of our vacation so some of the books came fresh from my beach bag. I keep other titles in the stack out for easy accessibility.
I found the book How Not to Look Old at the library a few years ago and liked it enough to buy my own copy. The author, Charla Krupp, intended to help forty-somethings stay young looking, so I have missed that window of opportunity, but the book gathers many helpful fashion, make-up, hair, and other beauty tips from experts. I’ll take all the help I can get in these areas, though Krupp would categorize me in the “low to medium” maintenance group. In other words, I am not the type to take extreme or expensive measures to restore my youthfulness.
I ponder aging, my own growing older. I see and feel it every day, but my age and an awareness of my generation became acutely obvious to me when I returned to my career after being home to raise our kids. Maybe all fields are like this, but education particularly draws a young crowd. Many of my colleagues were recent graduates and brand-new teachers. I recall sitting in work meetings, realizing I was probably the oldest participant at the table.
Teaching has become very collaborative: lesson planning, classroom procedure and really everything is developed in teams. As I partnered with so many who were even younger than my own kids, I understood that I needed an honest approach. I was the ‘mature’ voice at the table. I did not have all the right answers, but I had decades of experience as a teacher and a parent to contribute. I leaned into that role as an older faculty member. I welcomed the excitement, creativity, and perspective of the newest educators. I got a firsthand view of millennial thinking and lifestyle. I limped behind their technology expertise but gained a few fun fashion tips along the way. At times, the blend was uncomfortable, but we took it all in stride and we produced strong instruction together.
The Bible talks about being the older generation. In ancient times, the elderly were revered; their voice at the table, albeit thinning, was respected and heard. With that kind of platform, God instructed them to tell their stories of God’s faithfulness to the next generation, to share all the remarkable things He had done in their lives and in the generations before them. Yes, it was an oral history to pass down, but it was also a legacy of personal faith to be shared. Though outlooks may shift, God’s Word says, “One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts. They speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty. … They tell of the power of your awesome works. … They celebrate your abundant goodness.” (Psalm 145: 4-7) We are called to boast on God this way. It takes creativity and courage which we have since “He who called you is faithful.” (1 Thessalonians 5:24)
“Cursed is the ground.” Yes, I have been wanting to write about gardening as I continue my first decade of writing. When I began this blog, I tested the waters by posting some “glearnings” from gardening. A new yard (and new climate and new soil) inspires me to discuss gardening again. From an early moment when I mistakenly thought the builder had cleared out a cherished live oak, what a trial the raw landscape has been! I have no trouble understanding the Garden of Eden curse. But like the curse of painful childbearing which culminates joyfully in a baby’s birth, “toil in the soil” richly rewards the heart and soul. (Find the two curses in Genesis 3:16-17)
I foraged this Purple Heart before we even moved in. They multiply nicely – fingers crossed!
So, what happened in our new yard? Well, surprisingly stuff grows in sand! We started with seeding a lawn and it worked! Sowing grass seed in bare sand seemed impossible but the seed germinated; we have a grassy lawn except where a heavy rain washed out a hilly spot and pesty crabgrass happily filled in.
I admit that I enjoy the better end of our gardening equation: my husband does the hard and heavy work while I play with plants. So far, I’ve had six months of garden dabbling with a host of mishaps to show for it. Here are a few of my fiascos:
We transported about two dozen of our favorite hostas to NC. While waiting to be planted (on the patio table), the deer feasted one night leaving us barely a stem! Talk about preparing a table for my (gardening) enemies, Psalm 23:5! A few other remaining hostas set out in a border were pulverized by a strong hailstorm just a week or two later! A transplanted oak sapling, also from Virginia, met its demise with the mower.
We were happy to take a young crape myrtle offered by neighbors and it likes the spot.
New flowers I tried ended similarly. A splurge purchase of a beautiful unique vinca, which would reseed annually, mysteriously keeled over, probably stray herbicide! Locally popular mandevilla vines have yielded zero growth and blooms. Portulacas that I remember self-seeding in the sidewalk cracks of my childhood neighborhood apparently drowned with too much rain. Four ‘o clocks that I grew from seed aren’t blooming at four o’ clock, nor at any time. A friend sent me lily bulbs which produced lovely pink flowers but they’re another deer delicacy, so I netted them … but the netting trapped a snake, a good snake that we wanted to keep around. (My brother-in-law managed to free it with his fishing expertise.) Geraniums hate the heat, and torrenia didn’t fare any better. Indoors, the Majestic Palm that I planted on Palm Sunday unfurls fresh fronds that quickly turn an unroyal brown. But with grass underfoot, some lush potted ferns, and a planned landscape to be installed next month, we count our blessings in this new place. I think gardeners like me embrace “the thrill of victory AND the agony of defeat,” as ABC’s Wide World of Sports used to say!
The Bible speaks often about all types of vegetation; it was written during a time when earth’s produce greatly impacted survival, keeping our ancestors attuned to their environment. Many Scriptures suit my topic of gardening, but I will share a verse I read today. It mentioned a tree flourishing in its native soil (Psalm 37:35). Incorporating native flora and trees promotes the environment. I enjoy finding and planting natives. In the context of Psalm 37, the thriving tree compares to the flourishing of evil, when wickedness seems to thrive. Certainly, godless philosophy gains the upper hand at times, and right living faces threats, but the rest of the verse promises this about evil times: (it) passed away and was no more and could not be found (Psalm 37:36). We can rest well on that promise.
Five years later, I am writing this blogpost from the screened porch of our new home, overlooking a North Carolina golf course on a beautiful August evening! From our home in Fairfax, I launched this blog in the summer of 2016, feeling nudged by God’s Spirit to share thoughts about life and its proximity to God’s timeless writing, the Bible. I aimed to write for those who might not read Scripture that often or understand its relevance to daily living.
Blogs vary greatly. “A Writer’s Daughter” allowed me to publish short articles on a public platform, but it wasn’t a focused dialog. As you may have noticed, I didn’t schedule posts. I contributed regularly enough for my readers to know that I hadn’t vanished from the earth. 2020 was my least consistent year of writing. The onslaught of deeply divisive controversaries last year, made it difficult to address lighter topics and this blog is not meant to take sides, other than to stand fully with God’s perfect Word.
Technology challenged me the most as a blog writer. My main difficulties and frustrations came from learning the software and preparing a post to finally publish. A few entries flopped from a posting and graphics standpoint, but I accepted those failures as a humbling process from the Lord. If this blog is His work, then He determines its success. Speaking of success, bloggers can track stats. I get a count of views for each post. At times, I sigh that I haven’t reached the “millions” that my friend Cynthia envisioned, but again, my goal is to follow-through with faith, not keep records.
I plan to forge ahead with blog-style writing. Sometimes my father asks me if I will write a book. For now, I will continue these short posts and leave authoring a book to another inspiration. I thank each of you for reading “A Writer’s Daughter.” I love your comments and welcome your suggestions. With five years behind me and a new coastal locale, I am hoping to update my theme colors and feature photo. Expect a new look next time “A Writer’s Daughter” pops up. And remember that my writing clearly trumps my photography and design skills.
May God continue His good work (Philippians 1:6). Godspeed to all as we journey on, Brenda
My feature photo from the last five years is of a stack of journals and planners I’d written. The design theme appeared in dark, woodsy hues. My new photo will be of a stack of books with a more coastal color scheme.
As I farewell this series inspired by a recent beach vacation, I end with the topic of beach goodbyes. Although our beach crowd enjoys time together oceanside, a big deal is not made of the parting. Occasionally someone snaps a group photo or contact info is exchanged but mostly all linger late to soak in the last of the waves, the sun, the view that we really came for.
I’ve given thought to farewell phrases. “Goodbye” seems inadequate for a longer separation. I stay away from “good luck,” believing as a Christian that nothing is luck; all is known by the Lord. “Blessings” works and offers to pray for someone is great if you really commit to praying for them! Some say fun multilingual parting words like “Adios” or “Au revoir.” During COVID, I ended a few work emails with “Salud,” a Spanish greeting wishing good health – seemed cute for an ESOL teacher!
A goodbye that I like and use occasionally is “Godspeed.” Godspeed is an older English expression of farewell, used mostly when referring to a journey. It can be a wish of prosperity and safety but since it calls on God, to me, it appeals for God’s favor and guidance. And if God’s presence is invoked, surely, He desires to lead us spiritually, not just directionally or for gain. As I parted with one beach acquaintance, I wished her “Godspeed,” knowing with the miles ahead, our mature years, and Covid’s nasty presence, it best expressed our need for Jesus’ presence in our lives. I also gave her one of my blog cards, aiming to be salt and light in her life (see Part 2).
Godspeed brings to my mind a classic Scripture that most of us know as written in the old King James Bible version: “He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.” (Psalm 23:3) God always desires to journey us to right living because that’s what brings Him the most glory; He wants us to stay on His path.
On the Atlantic coast, we see only sunrises, so our sunset photos are out the back door, looking west. #Duneset #signpost?!
Vacation Trilogy: Part 2, Beach Salt and Light
Salt and light. That’s what vacationers hope for at the beach: plenty of salty ocean air, the therapeutic salinity of the sea, and lots and lots of sunLIGHT! All of these were delightfully plentiful on our recent vacation.
In Part 1, I shared that we have taken this same vacation for over 30 years. Many other guests at our moderate motel, and even others who rent nearby beach homes, have also vacationed the same July week. We have become beach friends for one week per year. With only a couple of exceptions, I don’t have contact with these folks outside of beach week. However, with years of sitting together oceanside, relationships have formed. We know much about each other, seeing the families grow with children and grandchildren, marking the milestones such as graduations and weddings, witnessing sad losses in families, and being spectator to the occasional drama!
I notice how life’s going for our beachmates. After a while, lifestyles and values surface. Family dynamics emerge in the week of togetherness. Priorities are evident. Though my best beach week is to get lost in reading, reading, reading under my big beach umbrella, I try to step into conversations and time with friends who also have noticed quite a bit about me and my family over the decades. It is never far from my mind that I am called to be salt and light to those around me, to the circle of acquaintances at our annual week at the beach.
Jesus said to his followers, “You are the salt of the earth. You are the light of the world. “ (Matthew 5:13-14) He expounded on the metaphors saying that salt should be salty, potent; that light should shine, be bright and visible. Jesus warns that flavorless salt is useless and discarded; hidden light is ineffective.
Around East Coast beach towns, I often see a bumper sticker that just says, “SaltLife.” It’s a statement about a coastal state of mind. In the same stylized font, I’ve seen another bumper sticker that mixes it up a bit saying, “Be Salty.” Under “Be Salty” are the words of Mark 9:50: “Salt is good, but if the salt has lost its saltiness, how will you make it salty again? Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one another.” Again, this is Jesus’ charge to His followers, and to us who follow Jesus still.
Vacation Trilogy: Part 1, Beach Worship
For over three decades, we’ve vacationed at the same spot on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. We visit with many of the same people and repeat favorite annual activities, yet each year is unique. For only the second time, my husband and I went alone on this year’s vacation: no kids, other relatives or friends joined us this time.
For quite a few years, my husband has attended Beach Worship early on our first morning, Sunday. I haven’t tagged along, preferring to visit with those who were staying with us. But solo this year, I decided to attend church on the beach with him! He managed a couple of chairs, and we biked the easy mile down the road.
About two dozen folks were gathered on the open public beach. The church team was in place, greeting us, handing out song sheets, testing the sound system. The service began with a brass quintet playing a hymn anthem. What a joyful sound drifting over the ocean, almost better than the praise bands of contemporary services! My husband commented that this was new and a big improvement from canned music of previous years. The beach-going congregation then sang two songs, led haltingly by an amateur volunteer. Finally, the pastor delivered his brief message which seemed prepared and Scripturally sound. The service ended with a brass postlude, and we were on our way before the sun became scorching.
My husband and I have attended many flourishing churches and heard many great preachers. Comparatively, Beach Worship in Kitty Hawk, NC is tiny and simple. One wonders, what is its impact and purpose? The explanation is that God has called a man and others to do His Work, and they have faithfully responded to God’s challenge.
God is like that, challenging us with opportunities that may defy reason. Is God calling you to fully believe Jesus Christ, or to obey His designs for your life, or to serve and minister as you’re gifted? Listen for His call; take the chance on answering. Luke 16:10
This blog, “The Writer’s Daughter,” is now five years old and I will say more about that soon. Starting the blog and putting my writing out there was a response to God’s prodding in my life. It is simple and small, and one wonders at its purpose and impact, but I took the chance on answering the call.
Salt and light. That’s what vacationers hope for at the beach: plenty of salty ocean air, the therapeutic salinity of the sea, and lots and lots of sunLIGHT! All of these were delightfully plentiful on our recent vacation.
The motel owner puts families in the same unit every year: we’re # 3.
In Part 1, I shared that we have taken this same vacation for over 30 years. Many other guests at our moderate motel, and even others who rent nearby beach homes, have also vacationed the same July week. We have become beach friends for one week per year. With only a couple of exceptions, I don’t have contact with these folks outside of beach week. However, with years of sitting together oceanside, relationships have formed. We know much about each other, seeing the families grow with children and grandchildren, marking the milestones such as graduations and weddings, witnessing sad losses in families, and being spectator to the occasional drama!
I notice how life’s going for our beachmates. After a while, lifestyles and values surface. Family dynamics emerge in the week of togetherness. Priorities are evident. Though my best beach week is to get lost in reading, reading, reading under my big beach umbrella, I try to step into conversations and time with friends who also have noticed quite a bit about me and my family over the decades. It is never far from my mind that I am called to be salt and light to those around me, to the circle of acquaintances at our annual week at the beach.
Our family always spent an evening at the Jockey’s Ridge dunes.We progress over the years!
Jesus said to his followers, “You are the salt of the earth. You are the light of the world. “ (Matthew 5:13-14) He expounded on the metaphors saying that salt should be salty, potent; that light should shine, be bright and visible. Jesus warns that flavorless salt is useless and discarded; hidden light is ineffective.
Around East Coast beach towns, I often see a bumper sticker that just says, “SaltLife.” It’s a statement about a coastal state of mind. In the same stylized font, I’ve seen another bumper sticker that mixes it up a bit saying, “Be Salty.” Under “Be Salty” are the words of Mark 9:50: “Salt is good, but if the salt has lost its saltiness, how will you make it salty again? Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one another.” Again, this is Jesus’ charge to His followers, and to us who follow Jesus still.
Vacation Trilogy: Part 1, Beach Worship
For over three decades, we’ve vacationed at the same spot on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. We visit with many of the same people and repeat favorite annual activities, yet each year is unique. For only the second time, my husband and I went alone on this year’s vacation: no kids, other relatives or friends joined us this time.
For quite a few years, my husband has attended Beach Worship early on our first morning, Sunday. I haven’t tagged along, preferring to visit with those who were staying with us. But solo this year, I decided to attend church on the beach with him! He managed a couple of chairs, and we biked the easy mile down the road.
About two dozen folks were gathered on the open public beach. The church team was in place, greeting us, handing out song sheets, testing the sound system. The service began with a brass quintet playing a hymn anthem. What a joyful sound drifting over the ocean, almost better than the praise bands of contemporary services! My husband commented that this was new and a big improvement from canned music of previous years. The beach-going congregation then sang two songs, led haltingly by an amateur volunteer. Finally, the pastor delivered his brief message which seemed prepared and Scripturally sound. The service ended with a brass postlude, and we were on our way before the sun became scorching.
My husband and I have attended many flourishing churches and heard many great preachers. Comparatively, Beach Worship in Kitty Hawk, NC is tiny and simple. One wonders, what is its impact and purpose? The explanation is that God has called a man and others to do His Work, and they have faithfully responded to God’s challenge.
God is like that, challenging us with opportunities that may defy reason. Is God calling you to fully believe Jesus Christ, or to obey His designs for your life, or to serve and minister as you’re gifted? Listen for His call; take the chance on answering. Luke 16:10
This blog, “The Writer’s Daughter,” is now five years old and I will say more about that soon. Starting the blog and putting my writing out there was a response to God’s prodding in my life. It is simple and small, and one wonders at its purpose and impact, but I took the chance on answering the call.