For over three decades, we’ve vacationed at the same spot on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. We visit with many of the same people and repeat favorite annual activities, yet each year is unique. For only the second time, my husband and I went alone on this year’s vacation: no kids, other relatives or friends joined us this time.
For quite a few years, my husband has attended Beach Worship early on our first morning, Sunday. I haven’t tagged along, preferring to visit with those who were staying with us. But solo this year, I decided to attend church on the beach with him! He managed a couple of chairs, and we biked the easy mile down the road.
About two dozen folks were gathered on the open public beach. The church team was in place, greeting us, handing out song sheets, testing the sound system. The service began with a brass quintet playing a hymn anthem. What a joyful sound drifting over the ocean, almost better than the praise bands of contemporary services! My husband commented that this was new and a big improvement from canned music of previous years. The beach-going congregation then sang two songs, led haltingly by an amateur volunteer. Finally, the pastor delivered his brief message which seemed prepared and Scripturally sound. The service ended with a brass postlude, and we were on our way before the sun became scorching.
My husband and I have attended many flourishing churches and heard many great preachers. Comparatively, Beach Worship in Kitty Hawk, NC is tiny and simple. One wonders, what is its impact and purpose? The explanation is that God has called a man and others to do His Work, and they have faithfully responded to God’s challenge.
God is like that, challenging us with opportunities that may defy reason. Is God calling you to fully believe Jesus Christ, or to obey His designs for your life, or to serve and minister as you’re gifted? Listen for His call; take the chance on answering. Luke 16:10
This blog, “The Writer’s Daughter,” is now five years old and I will say more about that soon. Starting the blog and putting my writing out there was a response to God’s prodding in my life. It is simple and small, and one wonders at its purpose and impact, but I took the chance on answering the call.