Even the Stones Will Praise

My husband and I enjoy listening to the news source/podcast, The World and Everything In It.  We especially like listening on Fridays for its features Culture Friday, movie reviews, Listener Feedback, and a closing Scripture with reminder to attend weekend worship.  Last Friday, December 27,  a listener shared his poem, “How Will A Stone Praise You?,”  based on Luke 19 v 40.  I’d like to share it with you here,  for New Year’s,  with full credit to Carlan Wendler and “The World and Everything  In It” (wng.org December 27, 2024).

How Will A Stone Praise You? by Carlan Wendler

Some birds can whistle, warble, call;
While kid and lamb bleat in their stall.
Colt and mare snort, whiny and neigh.
Calf and cow lo amidst their hay.
Frogs will croak while chirp the crickets,
And squeak the mice of field (and) thicket.
The bees they bustle, buzz and hum;
And lizards slither when they run.
Quacks and honks and cries and roars,
Creation’s praise mounts. It soars.

But how will a stone praise You?

Leaves can rustle, crumple, crack
And brushing branches veer and tack.

Rain can beat and drum and flow
While shushing is the fall of snow.

The waves they batter, lap or bash —
As peals of thunder clap and crash.
The rushing river sounds applause,
And glaciers grind and pop their flaws.

Howls the wind…or whispers near;
All things are heard to Maker’s ear.

But how will a stone praise You?

A thrown stone whizzes, a dropped stone clacks
With ruckus down a valley’s cracks —

Or finds a pond to plunk and splash
And gurgle, gargle, breathe its last.

Great stones groan and grate and grind —
While small stones gravel grovels fine.

Shifts sands will sweep and swish.
And lava grumbles with a hiss.

Yet You have chosen in Your grace

The human voice to give You praise.
And though you gave us great surrounds,
All You ask are grateful sounds.

So breathe again into this clay

And raise a note of joy today.

Replace with flesh this heart of stone

And let it beat a thankful tone.

We thank You for the gift of life —
For coming down amidst our strife.

We thank You for the Cross and Grave
And Path of Pardon that they pave.

We thank You for Your family’s name,
For Union though we’re not the same.

We thank You that the Son of God
Was hidden in an earthy clod.

So how could a stone not praise You?

What beautiful, creative thoughts based on Jesus’ own words, “Even stones would praise Him!” Luke 19 v 40

Happy New Year:  Praise the Lord!

Author: Brenda Proulx

Wife, mother and grandmother, educator and someone who thinks about the things I observe. I am the daughter of a writer; my dad's career was in the field of journalism. More significantly, I am God's child, a person believing in Jesus Christ and in His timeless Word. Blogging is new to me but I feel like I've always had a pen in my hand. I jot notes in my planner, mark papers, underline verses, write many letters, and occasionally draft articles for work or church. When I am not holding a pen, I am probably cuddling a mug of coffee.

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