David E. Kucharsky

In a prophecy concerning the coming Messiah we read this: “to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion– to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor” (Isaiah 61 v 2-3).  Because of our hope in Jesus, my family is comforted, not despairing, at the recent death of my father, David Kucharsky. He was an “oak of righteousness,” God’s name of blessing for all who believe. It is our opportunity to “display … His splendor” as my dad humbly did.  Below I share his obituary which the family collaborated on, but was first drafted by my sister, Sandy Barton, also the writer’s daughter. Thank you, Sandy.

David Eugene Kucharsky
August 3, 1931 – February 21, 2025

“He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8. This scripture captures the essence of the person and life of David Eugene Kucharsky.

Gene entered the presence of his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Friday, February 21, 2025. At the time of his death, he was a resident of Shell Point Retirement Community in Ft. Myers, Florida. Born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA, Gene was the only child of recent Ukrainian immigrants Leon and Marie Kucharsky (née Dachko). He graduated from Duquesne University in 1953 with a bachelor’s degree in Journalism and as an ROTC commissioned officer in the US Air Force.  He served in the Korean War, stationed in Newfoundland, Canada.

He married Patricia Patterson in Hamilton, Ontario, on August 31, 1957. They lived briefly in Pittsburgh where Gene was a staff correspondent for United Press International. The following year they relocated to northern Virginia when he became News Editor of the newly formed periodical Christianity Today, headquartered in Washington D.C. He remained there in various editorial positions, concluding as Senior Editor in 1977. During his long tenure, he covered religious events throughout the world, with particular reporting on Billy Graham crusades across the globe. As a member of the national press corps he accompanied President Richard
M. Nixon on the Moscow Summit of 1972.

Four children were born to Gene and Pat during their years in Virginia. In addition to being a devoted husband and father he pursued a wide variety of interests and activities. This included support of land conservation in Arlington, Virginia, and participation in the initial Lausanne Congress on Evangelism in Switzerland. He faithfully served his church, Arlington Memorial Church (Christian & Missionary Alliance) in multiple capacities. He tirelessly lobbied on behalf of five C&MA missionaries who were kidnapped and disappeared during the Vietnam War. He sought to draw national attention to their plight and fate, most notably in an interview by
Barbara Walters on NBC’s The Today Show.

He is the author of The Man from Plains—The Mind and Spirit of Jimmy Carter, published in 1976 by Harper & Row.

In 1977 he became Editor of Christian Herald magazine, headquartered in Chappaqua, NY. As Senior Vice President of the Christian Herald Association, he oversaw numerous ministry and publishing ventures in the New York metropolitan area, including The Bowery Mission. He was
a Trustee of The King’s College in Briarcliff Manor, NY, and served on the Board of Christian Publications (the publishing arm of the C&MA). He took a keen interest in the ministry of Ridgeway Alliance Church and often provided sermon research and editing on behalf of his friend and pastor Art Robertson until retirement in 2010.

Mr. Kucharsky is survived by his wife, Patricia; four children, Brenda Proulx (Craig), Debbie Endean (Rick), Sandy Barton (Andrew), David Kucharsky (Pari); ten grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. He will be laid to rest in Ft Myers, FL. A service will be planned at a later date.

Our God Is A Consuming Fire

As footage of the devastating California wildfires filled our screens these last two weeks, these words of Scripture came to mind: “Our God is a consuming fire” (Deuteronomy 4 v 24  and Hebrews 12 v 29). Thinking of those Biblical words, one might think that God is burning up California for some reason, possibly judgement. It is true throughout Scripture that God judges sin and disobedience, but we cannot confirm God’s intent in this natural disaster. The statement “Our God is a consuming fire” must be considered with the entire text of the Bible, Scripture’s whole counsel.

The Bible is a long book, a collection of sixty-six books actually, written over a lengthy period of time by men inspired and directed by God to encode His Word. One (or two) verses isolated without context and without the study of related Scriptures can lead to erroneous conclusions. It is equally important not to dismiss a Scripture, tossing a truth out as irrelevant when it seems misplaced. Both are dangerous extremes. So how does a reader of the Bible understand its right meaning? See my blog Pages tab, How to Read the Bible, for suggestions.

So, what about God and fire? Fire can be, as I mentioned earlier, God’s judgment of sin. God also used fire as a protection against cold and danger (Haynes). God’s powerful glory sometimes manifests itself in a blaze. Eternal separation from God, hell, is a “lake of fire.” Burning is also a cruel form of persecution, from New Testament times continuing even today. God’s word promises “when you walk through the fire, you will not be burned” (Isaiah 43 v 2) but Christians were torched in Roman times, burned at the stake in more recent centuries, and today are burned out of their homes or bombed during worship services. Martyrs lose their earthly lives but gain eternal glory in Jesus’ presence. It is a reality I struggle with, but we should be aware as Scripture warns: “Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you” (1 Peter 4 v 12).

We visited the Martyrs’ Memorial in Oxford, England honoring three ministers burned at the stake in 1555.

The loss of life and property in California saddens us, as did Hurricane Helene’s destruction in the eastern US last fall. We know the winds “obey” God as they did for Jesus on the Sea of Galilee. Therefore, we lean into His Sovereignty in disasters with compassion and generosity.

Haynes, Clarence L. “Why God is a “Consuming Fire”? The Meaning of Hebrews 12:29.” BibleStudyTools.com  October 13, 2023.

Open Doors (opendoorsus.org) and Voice of the Martyrs (www.persecution.com) are excellent Christian resources to keep abreast of current persecution.

The Man from Plains

The late summer that I began my freshman year at Wheaton College, Jimmy Carter was the Democratic nominee for President. As the family station wagon headed off to take me to Illinois, we stopped at National Airport, now named Reagan National, to pick up the first copies of my Dad’s new book, The Man From Plains – The Mind and Spirit of Jimmy Carter. My Dad had quickly drafted the book in the spring of 1976. I remember his research and investigative trips, including one to Plains and to a news conference in Chicago, where I had the privilege of accompanying him.  The book was published in time for the final months of the election. We excitedly flipped through the new book, and I came upon the dedication: “To Brenda whose interests kindled my own.”

The dedication page.

In my high school senior year U.S. government class, we studied the election process real time. My teacher, Mrs. Laura Crites, was extraordinary for her expertise and passion for her subject. She taught with admirable dignity and stayed completely nonpartisan. One of our class assignments was to write a nomination speech for a candidate: I wrote a speech for Jimmy Carter. I do not recall anything about the speech I wrote, but what was happening at the time was a public fascination about a successful politician with down-home style, from the back woods of Georgia, who spoke openly of his Baptist roots and professed his faith in Jesus for life changing salvation. This was quite different from the usual staid, mostly Protestant, nominal church membership that most American politicians professed at that time*. Jimmy Carter, instead, was an outspoken Christian who continued to teach an adult Sunday School class when he could be back at his home church in Plains, Georgia.

The rest is history, as they say. Jimmy Carter was elected as the 39th President of the United States, for one term. Foreign policy challenges marked his Presidency. I finished a degree at Wheaton College over those four years, considering a political science major, but ended up with a degree in Elementary Education. My father never authored another book but continued his journalist career. His book had faced opposition by acquaintances who thought he should have written about the Republican nominee. I do not think The Man From Plains sought to endorse Carter as a candidate; it merely provided a study of his life up to that point, concentrating on the overt Christian faith Carter professed.

Jimmy Carter went on to found Habitat for Humanity, a nonprofit organization “that helps families build and improve places to call home.” He returned to Plains, Georgia to live and probably to teach Sunday School. I had an encounter with him once, many years after his Presidency. He hosted a book signing at our local Walmart. I decided to go over to see if I could get my copy of Dad’s book signed by him. When the staffer handed former President Carter my book, I hollered out, “My Dad wrote that book.” He answered back, “Tell him to come see me in Plains,” and he signed my book!

Jimmy Carter’s signature in my copy  of  Dad’s book.

Jimmy Carter leaves a legacy of faith and service. From his open Christian testimony on the campaign trail, to his inaugural address based on Biblical text Micah 6 v 8, to his work for those in need of housing, he publicly expressed his faith, and its resulting personal transformation*. I believe his boldness helped the broad public, including the press, understand that knowing Jesus makes a difference in someone’s life.  For those of you who know me and my family personally, my father is facing a serious health diagnosis. We are grateful for his full life, his noteworthy career in journalism, and his legacy of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for your prayers.

*Based on content from Kucharsky, David.  The Man From Plains,  Harper and Row Publishers, New York:  1976.

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The Lost Children of Britain

My cousin’s father-in-law, Alf, was one of Britain’s “lost children.” My quick on-line search revealed that Britain “exported vast numbers” of children to Canada and Australia during a 350-year period, ending in the 1970’s. The purpose of the forced migration was to relieve overcrowded orphanages in England and populate the colonies. In Alf’s case, it was 1930 and he was 14 years old. Alf’s mother died when he was three and eventually his father could not care for his large family so Alf and three brothers were put into an orphanage in England, where his father visited them. One of Alf’s older brothers was sent to Canada at age sixteen; a few years later, Alf was sent also. The brothers, separately, lived with families in the fertile  farmland of Southern Ontario.

Alf did not take to his first farm placement but fended well for himself and found other families in the area to stay with. I do not know if he was able to attend much school or whether being a farmhand required all his time. Alf eventually met a girl among the farm families, and they married. Alf and his wife raised a large family near Hamilton, Ontario. My cousin married one of their middle sons. On occasion, my family saw Alf and his family, and I recall him as jovial and energetic.

Now you’re wondering how Alf’s story has a Christmas connection. Well, I was thinking about the similarities of Alf’s life of loss and displacement with Jesus’ own life of loss and loneliness. It is commonly known that Joseph and Mary were displaced and temporarily relocated in an overcrowded Bethlehem, due to a Roman census regulation, when Jesus was born. Sometime later, his parents fled to Egypt with young Jesus because of Roman infanticide orders – political refugees. During Jesus’ ministry, the Bible tells us he was homeless with “no place to lay his head” (Matthew 8:20). Jesus was misunderstood and rejected by many people of His day.

But what comes to mind most about Alf’s story is my memory of a cousin evening a summer or two ago. We’d had a great meal and evening of reminiscing and laughter together but as our time came to a close, the conversation became somber over more serious issues. Under the deep Ontario night sky, my cousin’s husband, Alf’s son, announced with a wide, confident smile, “But I have hope.” His faith, like his father’s, gave him a guaranteed hope that it all comes out well in the end. The birth we celebrate at Christmas is this: “Our Lord Jesus Christ though He was rich (divine, perfect, enthroned in heaven) yet for your sake He became poor (displaced, orphaned, and lowly) so that you through His poverty might become rich (rescued, adopted, blessed) 2 Corinthians 8 v 9. AMEN

Merry Christmas!  Remember that posts are best viewed at                                  “A Writer’s Daughter”
See my previous Christmas stories.

This nativity is displayed in the chapel at Duke University, where I recently enjoyed a performance of “The Messiah.”

Sharing the Table

Meal planning is on our minds as the big Thanksgiving feast approaches. We might welcome overnight guests too, requiring even more menu arranging. It’s exciting to share a table with family and friends. At other times however, a shared table happens differently. Good food is planned and prepared and served but as a gift of ministry, when the recipients (those who eat it) are in a time of need.

A local friend of ours lost his 82-year-old dad this fall after a very brief illness. Richard’s father was beloved in his family and well known in a close-knit community. Following the hospital days and making the final arrangements, Richard set out fishing one morning to clear his mind. A close buddy called, wanting to prepare and deliver a meal. Much food had already been given so Richard told his buddy it was not needed, but reflecting on the water with the Lord and his fishing rod, he realized he should not deny his friend the blessing of giving a meal. He called the guy back and told him to go ahead.

What a feast Richard and his family received following the funeral! As he described it, “heaping platters” filled the table — jerk chicken, pork chops, fried shrimp, scalloped potatoes, squash casserole, strawberry spinach salad, and apple crisp. How’s that for Southern fare? True comfort food for sad hearts. Surely, the friend sensed the warmth and love that his generous meal conveyed.

At about the same time, a family member whose husband is deployed was approached by a friend at her church, wanting to help in some way. The friend offered a meal and a date was suggested. It was a thoughtful gesture; ways to ease the strain on military spouses aren’t easily found. As the tentative date came closer, no further updates came through. Maybe this meal would show up or maybe they would reheat leftovers. As the mom and her little ones returned from a walk on the proposed day, her church friend pulled up with dinner in hand. It wasn’t the lavish feast that Richard’s buddy prepared, yet a simple meal of a roast, macaroni and cheese, and broccoli blessed the lonesome family, conveying all the same warmth, love, and generosity of the funeral meal.

As a blessing of gratitude wafts over your Thanksgiving table filled with food and ‘framily,’ remember that God is always in the business of providing for us. Many Scripture stories tell us of how God feeds His people: manna in the wilderness (Exodus 18), the widow of Zarephath (1 Kings 17 v 7-16), and Jesus’ miraculous feedings of huge crowds*. David the Psalmist King wrote, “Thou preparest a table before me, my cup runneth over” (Psalm 23) and Jesus prayed, “Give us this day our daily bread.” (Matthew 6 v 11) Delightedly, God sometimes lets us get in on His plan. Savor this pair of shared table stories and the Lord will let you know when.

Preschoolers explore grains as they learn how God fed a starving family through their estranged brother, Joseph (Genesis 45).

*Matthew 14 v 13-21 and 15 v 32-38, Mark 6 v 31-44 and 8 v 1-9, Luke 9 v 12-17, John 6 v 1-14

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Look Up

October was a stellar month for local sky watchers. There was a rare display of the Northern Lights this far south, a comet streaked across the sky, and October’s Hunter’s moon was a super moon! A super moon is when the moon orbits closer to the earth making it look bigger and brighter. The super moon’s proximity also affects ocean tides. The celestial shows delighted amateur astronomers and the general public alike, lighting up our screens with news clips and photos. Sky scenes look spectacular over ocean vistas!

The firmament draws us upward. It lifts us from the confines of earthly perspectives. The skies give evidence of God’s creation, power, and beauty. Its vastness and hint of infinity may be one of the closest approximations of God’s greatness and is unique in its access to mankind. Not every human will lay eyes on the ocean or the mountains, a desert or endless plain, but the glories of the sky are visible to the seeing from every vantage point on earth. Day and night, the heavens speak of the Divine, drawing our minds and hearts to God the Creator.

Here is the October super moon, as photographed by my friend Mark Gottlieb. While not an ocean view, this beautiful shot of our Nation’s Capital  seemed perfect for today.

It is not surprising that Scripture contains many references to celestial objects and skyscapes. God promised Abraham that his descendants would outnumber the stars he could see, and there must have been thousands in Abraham’s ancient, unpolluted night vista. David, a shepherd who spent countless days and nights in open fields, wrote inspired praises in response to heavenly sights.
LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory in the heavens. When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? Psalm 8 v 1, 3 and 4 (NIV)

Again, in the couplet style of Hebrew poetry, God gave David these lines:

The heavens proclaim the glory of God.
The skies display his craftsmanship.
Day after day they continue to speak;
night after night they make him known.
They speak without a sound or word;
their voice is never heard.
Yet their message has gone throughout the earth,
and their words to all the world. Psalm 19 v 1-4 (NLT)

So, look up. Let the endless blue, the puffiest gray, or the deepest twinkling black, fill your heart and mind with God Himself. Jesus challenged his followers with these words, “When these things … come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.” Luke 21 v 28 (KJV)  That’s Jesus’expansive, saving love ready for us.

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*The abbreviations following Scripture quotes indicate the Bible translation used: New International Version, New Living Translation, King James Version.

A Happy Hamlet

The local bagel shop was uber (excuse my German) cheerful that morning!  Patrons and clients alike exuded a happy mood.  A school aged girl sharing a bagel with her mom noticed a wad of bills on the floor.  She picked it up and handed it to the manager.  The manager quickly realized which customer had dropped it.   A teen was happy to get his spending money back.  Later the manager rewarded the honest girl with a free cookie.

I guess every Eastern seaboard town has its English twin. This is the tea from ours.

As our breakfast continued, I observed another guy checking out with his order.  The cashier took his cash payment and reached out with the guy’s change, which was more than just a few ones.  The customer waved it off, giving it back to the worker as a generous tip.  “Thanks, man,” the cashier answered in surprise!

Not too few customers later, another man drifted by our table on his way out.  He cheerily offered that he was on his way to sell nuts and bolts and added that it was a job he loved!  He was especially happy that day to be headed to the Marine base in Jacksonville, NC.  He appreciated being able to do business with the military, he said.

We left the bagel shop behind a family of three.   The manager teasingly hollered to them, “Have a good drive back to Hawaii!”  All three of them were wearing t-shirts from Hawaii … but you can’t get there by car.  Hopefully, they smiled at the quip.

So, are things always this happy where I live?  Of course not.  Like any town in America or any place in the world there are difficulties and tragedies.  This summer our town experienced a family murder.  It shocks a community to witness that kind of tragedy: a young woman’s life gone; the rest of the family torn apart.  Every place eventually experiences the same.

The towns that I am currently thinking so much about are the hamlets and the hollows of western North Carolina.  Beautiful, rural mountain communities were ripped apart by rare flooding due to Hurricane Helene.  The loss of life is still being counted, property devastation is widespread, and the infrastructures of water, electricity, roads, and internet are still heavily damaged.  The ‘happy’ part of this, and I don’t joke or take lightly the deep loss and pain, is the way folks are coming together to help.  Big organizations and small are sending supplies and showing up to be involved.  Local ministries, churches, and schools and colleges in the mountains are also answering the call to reach out to their own, like Queen Esther, unexpectedly called “for such a time as this” (Esther 4 v 14).   Among them are Samaritan’s Purse, headquartered in Boone, NC, literally on the ground immediately; sister ministry, Billy Graham retreat center, The Cove, now housing volunteers and law enforcement personnel; and Excel College in Black Mountain, who have agreed to host Adventures in Missions Disaster Relief.  Our friends the Horvaths head up Adventures Relief and have committed to two years of disaster recovery in the Swannanoa Valley area.  They will soon move their family of six, in their home on wheels, to Black Mountain, NC.  You can follow their mission at Adventures.org/relief.

God promises to make “beauty from ashes”  (Isaiah 61 v 3).   We are witnessing goodness out of calamity.  And I love that this good movement is receiving positive publicity for many to see!  Jesus encouraged action of His followers, saying, “so that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5 v 16)  AMEN

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On Travel: Rest Stops

My husband and I travel the road a lot.  Living on the east coast, we traverse north and south on I- 95, and sometimes further west on I-81, also a north-south highway.  We enjoy diversions too on less-traveled routes, but we’ve become very familiar with the cities, townships and sights we pass on our repeated journeys.

As empty nesters, we plan our pace loosely.  I can’t say that we always stop to smell the roses; there are people and places along the way yet to see.  We do, however, often travel with a freer itinerary and that includes frequent stops:  mental and physical breaks that are wise for our age, wise for all long-distance travelers.

Welcome to New York state, via I-81 north.

Along our familiar routes, I have my favorite rest stops.  When we head home southbound on 95, the first NC rest stop features giant whirl-i-gigs.  A North Carolinian grew fond of building these large wind structures and they now adorn various spots in the state.  This whimsical rest stop means the journey is almost over for us.  For many years, we drove to Westchester, NY for Thanksgiving.   The crisp air and city vibe as we pulled into a Jersey travel center meant the holiday had begun for me!   Even the coffee seemed festive!  A New York Welcome Center on northbound 81 overlooks a gorgeous mountain vista and inside a market offers nice products from around the state.

Recently, we discovered a unique rest area.   It is, of course, accessible from the highway for those traveling by car as we do, but behind it is the Dismal Swamp Canal, so this rest area has a dock and boat slips for those traveling the canal!  They too need rest areas, and this one offers special facilities for boaters.






Our road stops include quick bathroom breaks, stretches, tidying the car and maybe some caffeine, but I’ve noticed the travelers who are more leisurely about their stops. They rest at picnic tables in shady areas savoring plentiful picnics.  Playful dogs get needed exercise in the open grassy spaces.  Once I saw a young family cooking their meal on a rest area grill – now that’s planning ahead and making a memory!

Is rest Biblical?  Yes, planned rest began in the account of creation.  God worked for six days to bring the universe into existence.  Scripture tells us that God “rested on the seventh day from all His work He had done” (Genesis 2 v 2).  With His infinite power, I don’t think God was tired on the seventh day.  Instead, He was modeling for us the goodness of rest; physical, mental, and spiritual rest.  Sabbath rest is a deep topic that I won’t pursue in this post, but I encourage you to rest regularly.  Psalm 46 v 10 calls us to “Be still and know that I am God.”  And on this Saturday evening, I pray that you include “enter[ing] the sanctuary of God” (Psalm 73 v 17) in your day of rest tomorrow.

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Words intrigue me.  In linguistic studies, one learns that language does not stagnate:  it changes over time.  Words are lost, words change, and words are rediscovered or newly created.  The word ‘camera’ isn’t used much anymore since it’s our phone.  ‘Google’ is a verb that was nonexistent 30 years ago.  ‘Transformative’ has replaced ‘transformational’ in popularity, though their meanings may be distinct.

I recently heard a new use of a familiar word:  random > randomize.  ‘Randomize’ describes how researchers randomly select participants for the experiment variable or for the control group.  To keep the results unbiased, the experimental assignments are made with, another new term we have –  AI!  Randomizing might select a traveler for additional security checks or determine the order of questions in an online exam.  A patient might be told they were ‘randomized’ for a treatment in a clinical trial.

But is anything really randomized?  Are our lives left to chance?  I believe that God is in control of all things.  Scripture tells us that God knows when a lowly sparrow falls (Matthew 10:29), that God sends elements like rain and fire, (Matthew 5 v 45, 2 Kings 1 v 10), and that He saw us forming in the womb and has numbered the days of our lifetime! (Psalm 139 v 15 – 16).  God’s plans supersede the adage “right place at the right time.”

But what about “wrong place at the wrong time?”  Yes, in God’s sovereignty, we face terrible things sometimes, yet we are promised God’s guidance and help when we walk the path He’s planned for us (Psalm 37 v 23 below).  In other instances, one might have strayed to the wrong place and face consequences (Psalm 119 v 9, Proverbs 7 v 25).

Here, in conclusion, I admit that these are hard truths.  Followers of Jesus boldly give God credit for His provision and blessings, or cling to His strength in crisis; it is a day-by-day surrender to do so, only through Holy Spirit power.  AMEN


An Ice Skating Love Story

He grew up in a northern US city with plenty of naturally frozen skating spots all winter, and her childhood in Canada was replete with abounding enthusiasm and opportunities for ice skating over many winter months each year.  With mutual friends from church, he asked her out on their first date to go ice skating. Wasting no time for feelings to melt, he gave her a Valentines Day card shortly following the skating date.  Their romance quickly swirled into an engagement on her June birthday, and they married at the end of that summer.  Their honeymoon included time in Lake Placid where they skated together at the indoor Olympic rink.

                My parents – beautiful bride & groom.

That first February ice skating date happened more than six decades ago. My parents continued to enjoy skating together over many of those years. They shared their love of ice skating with us kids.  Virginia winters were milder than their hometowns, but we skated on rinks, and occasionally on the Washington Monument reflecting pool and the nearby C & O canal in years when they froze over.  I remember buying my own full-size, good quality leather skates during a visit to family in Canada.

My parents also shared with us what it means to be married: “one man, one woman, one lifetime,” as Pastor Jeff at my church succinctly put it.  Like pairs skating, marriage is magical, elegant, sensual, rhythmic, and risky – a dynamic partnership.  There will also be bumps and bruises along the way.  Marriage requires endurance and stamina, like the long program in skating competition. Couples can’t skate by on infatuation alone.

Marriage is God’s good and natural design for us, His creation (Genesis 2 v 24).  Love is laced throughout the Scriptures.  You’ll find romantic love stories and Solomon’s PG-13 passionate song in the Old Testament.  Themes and analogies of weddings, the bride, and marital joy, commitment, and purity weave through the New Testament.  Ultimately, we find God’s sacrificial love for us in the familiar verse John 3:16

For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so                that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal                      life.  NLT

Thank you, Mom and Dad, for your beautiful love story.  Thank you, Heavenly Father, for loving us enough to give us your Son, Jesus.


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